woensdag 27 januari 2016


Terwijl er vaak wordt gezegd dat de universiteiten hun programma's moeten aanpassen aan de eisen van de moderne tijd en 'de markt', zou je het eigenlijk moeten omdraaien, zouden werkgevers meer gebruik moeten maken van de talenten van universitair geschoolden.

Deze moeten nu vaak vooral opdrachten uitvoeren en in strakke hiƫrarchische structuren werken, terwijl ze opgeleid zijn om dat nou juist niet volgzaam te doen en breder en analytischer (mee) te denken om de organisatie/ het bedrijf beter te maken. Managers vinden dat echter eng.

Dat beweert overigens niet zomaar iemand, maar een vooraanstaand LSE-econoom. Interessante kost, ook gezien de voorgenomen onderwijshervormingen in ons land.
Hence, the real skills gap resides in the types of employment available to workers created by the structural conditions under which work occurs. Much work that is currently available for college graduates is rather mundane and requires few skills beyond those delivered in elementary school or those that can be easily obtained on the job—“move that here,” “punch these buttons,” “fill out this form,” etc. The true gap here is not one of skills, which are in abundance, but one of underutilization of talent or underemployment.In other words, the skills gap actually runs the other way. It is employers who have not kept up with the improved skills and knowledge of university graduates over the decades. The managerially imposed hierarchy of jobs, the shrinking of the public sphere and the draconian features of a fast style of capitalism that disposes of workers at will means that workers in most places are not able to adequately utilize their knowledge for the betterment of the organisation they work for or society as a whole. They are merely hands to move and manipulate and minds to take and follow orders. They can be easily replaced as things shift about and can then be forced to join the precariat reserve labor force “making do” and waiting for a never arriving well-paying and stable job to come down the pike.
Gooi maar lekker weg, dat talent...

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